Students who come to the school on their own should arrive at the school five minutes before the bell rings. School gates will close at 8:05 A.M. sharp during the summer and according to weather conditions in the winter.
It is advisable not to bring valuable articles to the school.
Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones/iPods/cameras etc. into the school campus. These gadgets, if found in possession of the students within the campus, will be confiscated.
Changing classrooms between periods, where necessary, should be done silently and in an orderly manner.
Shouting, loud talking, or whistling is not allowed in school.
Care must be taken of all school property, and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or charts, damage the furniture, write or draw anything on the walls, or damage things belonging to others. Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher, Admin head, or the coordinators. Any damage done shall be fined along with a penalty.
The school reserves the right to expel/suspend students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the school.
Students are not allowed to carry cash more than Rs. 500/-.
For the safety and security of the students, bringing tiffin boxes into the school campus later shall not be permitted.
Students will not be allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Principal. They will not be called to answer any phone calls during class hours.
It is mandatory to wear school ID Cards.
Parents should carry their Parents ID Card with them.
Uniform Policy :
Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform must be worn on all working days except house day. House uniform should be worn on house days.
Girls should not apply mehendi or nail polish during school session. Nails to be trimmed at least once a week.
Students are not allowed to colour their hair or get their body tattooed. Strict action will be taken in case of violation.
Non- Sikh boys should get their hair trimmed at regular intervals.
Students can only wear red head cover as per their religion.
Girls from J3 ( Class 3 onwards) must wear cycling shorts/ leggings.
Admission And Withdrawal Policy :
Admission to Pre-Primary and Primary opens in July. Children should be 2 years and 8 months old as on April 1st of the session in which admission is sought for Nursery.
Issue of registration is no guarantee for admissions. Forms are likely to be rejected if information/ documents are found incomplete or false or do not meet eligibility criterion.
All Admissions are granted subject to availability of seats, merit, meeting the eligibility criterion and submission of necessary documents and fees.
Parents are required to provide written notice at least one month in advance for the withdrawal of their ward or any other service. Otherwise, a notice fee equivalent to one month's fee will be charged. Verbal communication will not be acknowledged.
Fee Policy:
Fees is payable quarterly and is to be paid in favor of ‘FORTUNE WORLD SCHOOL’ by Cheque/NEFT/RTGS/IMPS/Debit or Credit Card.
The admission to the school is confirmed only after receiving full fee along with the required documents. The fee is non-refundable.
If the "Last Date of payment" is a holiday, then the next working day after such holiday is considered to be the "Last Date of Payment".
Late fee submitted after the due date is chargeable @ Rs.100 per day.
An inconvenience charge of Rs.1000/- is to be paid in case of a cheque bounce.
In case of withdrawal of the student from the school, a prior written notice of 1 month is to be given or an equivalent amount of fee should be submitted towards the notice period.
Homework Policy :
Homework contributes towards building responsibility, self-discipline, and lifelong learning habits, mastering skills, and reinforcing learning. Homework is assigned with increasing complexity and time requirements as the student progresses through school.
Thus, relevant, challenging, and meaningful homework assignments that reinforce classroom learning objectives are assigned for all students. It provides them with the opportunity to apply the information they have learned, complete unfinished class tasks, to work with their parents, and develop independence.
Attendance Policy :
Every student is expected to maintain an attendance record of at least 75% during the academic year, failing which he/she may not be allowed to sit in the annual examination.
A proper leave application/e-mail must be submitted in writing by the parent to the Principal, in case of absence. This should be supported by a medical certificate in case of sick leave for more than 2 days.
Repeated absence without permission or unexplained absence for more than 6 consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only at the discretion of the Principal.
Guidelines For Parents:
Whenever you correspond with school about your ward, kindly quote his/ her full name, class, section, and admission number.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Parents are requested to inform the school office of any change of address/bus route or change of telephone number so that school records can be updated, and you may be contacted quickly in case of necessity/emergency.
All communication should be addressed to the Principal.
No child will be allowed to leave the premises before the school gets over unless permission has been granted in writing.
Request for direct pick up through an authorised person by the parents should be submitted on a separate sheet of paper. Such requests written in the Almanac will not be considered for approval.
Parents are requested not to visit their wards in their classrooms without the permission of the Principal. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers on a regular basis through the Almanac to monitor their ward's performance. Requests for meeting teachers on school days, other than PTM days, will not be entertained. If necessary, a prior appointment with the Principal must be obtained.
Appointment with doctors/dentists or others should, as far as possible, be avoided during school hours. Such requests for early leave will not be entertained.